For Tracy Michele, who always sees them first.
"I wish you to consider that I have been speaking of what I wished to accomplish in these pictures, rather than what I have done; for I may have failed in these efforts. I should, nevertheless, be much gratified if you could see them ...."
- Thomas Cole, letter dated May 1828

Thursday, June 2, 2011

WordPress Premier of Bullock Online

“What’s gonna happen?”
“Something wonderful.”
- Space Odyssey 2010

Just a quick note to start off the month of June, letting everyone know that I will now also be blogging on WordPress, a site I have been visiting a lot lately and really admiring, so as to come in contact with many more people and also to take advantage of the great services and design that WordPress has to offer. I emphasize the word "also" --- I want to point out that I will continue to blog here on Blogspot. The two blogs will contain almost identical content. The Bullock Online website may be relocated to WordPress soon, after I look a bit more at their software. My current site host has not been satisfactory.

In the next few months some exciting things will be happening. I’ve lost employment and housing, but not opportunities or shelter or love, and so much is up in the air right now — for a lot of people things are pretty rough. But, running headlong into the darkling veil I asked of my future what was going to happen, and it replied “something wonderful”. Selah.