"To many people a place is merely a place. It may be viewed under a thousand different aspects, but it is seen only as the same place. And yet, if we inquire into the psychology ...... we find, not an inherent sense of realism, but a quintessential sense of symbolism." - J.Hullah Brown, Water Colour Guidance
For reasons that at first were not apparent, the view from the Brooklyn Heights apartment, facing south-west (more or less), really interests me. Throughout the day there is a dramatic range of color, illumination, and shadow, all played out upon groupings of architectural forms, masses of trees, and distant points, which is really kind of fascinating to watch. The hills over in Jersey are sharp-edged and solid sometimes, misty and ethereal other times. The buildings, with just a little imagining, could be Roman ruins. But why imagine? It's all really splendid as it is.
I want to keep working on this same view, seeing how it gives me so much to work with. It changes all day long, so there's always something new going on. And I don't have to go somewhere to do it. It's right outside the window. And the tea pot is only a few feet away.