For Tracy Michele, who always sees them first.
"I wish you to consider that I have been speaking of what I wished to accomplish in these pictures, rather than what I have done; for I may have failed in these efforts. I should, nevertheless, be much gratified if you could see them ...."
- Thomas Cole, letter dated May 1828

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

peculiar qualities and possibilities

"Each pair of opposite hues has its peculiar qualities and possibilities. In order to appreciate the characteristic effects of each in nature and in art, it is important to experiment in various ways with a few complimentary pairs until we are quite familiar with the two colors which compose each of them, and with the results of various contrasts and minglings of the colors with each other and with black, white, and gray."
- Walter Sargent, The Enjoyment and Use of Color (1927)

^Still-life Composition (untitled) 2009

I put this watercolor aside after having worked on it for a few hours here and there for about a month. It isn't very big at 13 x 16.5". I wanted the composition simple, almost architectural, and the palette reduced to complimentary colors (whether it's yellow/purple or orange/blue is something I haven't been able to figure out). I am discovering how to keep things simple and under control, while pushing the potential those limits reveal. My efforts here are toward improving my abilities through conscientious work, not slap-dash performance. I therefor am considering every element of what I do with my painting. And the progress is slow --- those damn ellipses tripped me up. I'll have to re-do this one, too.